PB & J

Today at lunch, a smile came to my face as I grabbed some PB & J and began to make myself a Imagesandwich.  As I sat down and ate my PB & J, I just thanked God for something to simple that brings me such pleasure.  Today I want to bring you something just this simple that will bring you much pleasure in your life.  It’s called ‘PB & J’. 

The PB& J I’m going to use means Purpose Brings Joy.  I have found in my life, the times I have felt the most disconnected from God, or in a time of discouragement and despair, it has always been that I have lost my Purpose.  When I can readjust my schedule, prioritize my time, and make sure I am accomplishing what I need to accomplish, it Brings me Joy. 

One of my greatest fears in life is that I would be successful in something that would have no eternal significance.  The only reason this would ever happen is if I fail to realize my true Purpose.  As a man who loves Jesus, I know every morning that my greatest desire is to have an appointment with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  I pray and open my Bible, and I begin to study His riches that could bring about change in my life.

I don’t want to be a man that accomplishes what he wants to accomplish.  I want to accomplish what God wants me to accomplish – His Purposes.  As a husband, I want to love my wife as Christ loved the church.  I realize very strongly in 1 Peter 3:7, “if you’re ever out of fellowship with your wife, you’re out of fellowship with God.  Therefore,  your prayers will be hindered.”  I can’t imagine going into a day where my prayers couldn’t be heard by God.  This is how strongly God desires for me to be in right fellowship with my wife.  When I understand my Purpose for my wife, I make sure that I’m accomplishing it well.

Secondly, as a daddy I want to be the father that would help his son and daughter become who they need to be in order to accomplish God’s Purposes for their life.  So what I pray is that I would instill into them the ability to work, to have their own walk with Christ, to treat others with respect, to get along with others, and the ability to have a Purpose greater than themselves.  All of our kids are gifted with many gifts, and it is the responsibility of the parents to help direct those gifts to be used accordingly, to its greatest Purpose.  My mother was the greatest example of this, in that she took this little redheaded freckle faced kid and told him he had the greatest smile in the world.  Because of that, I have never quit smiling.  She totally believed in me when I felt no one else did.  Don’t ever underestimate the power of encouragement and how it pushes us to our greatest Purpose. 

Thirdly, as a friend I want to be the encourager that God wants me to be, but not afraid to come alongside my friends and correct when they’re wrong.  What I have done with my very dear friends is given them permission to confront me when I’m wrong.  I don’t want to live a life on a secluded island where I don’t let people come in and help me to be better.  You see, you don’t get better over time; you only get better over evaluated time.  This is what a real friend does for another friend; he helps his friend understand his Purpose and how he can become the very best he can possibly be. 

Fourthly and lastly, I want to be the greatest employer and employee that I could possibly be.  I want to love others as Christ loved the church.  I want to believe the best in everyone, and I want to equip everyone to make a great Purpose at what they do.  The problem I see in the world today is that we are ill-equipping people to work with ethics and integrity.  The thought of work seems to push people into a state of complaining and confusion. In reality, when you understand that your Purpose is to serve with a joyful heart and do it to the best of your ability, it makes even the simplest task become a Joy.  At this point, you know you’re doing the right thing. 

In conclusion, PB & JPurpose Brings Joy in the fact that in everything I do, if I understand my Purpose, it will Bring the most ultimate Joy into my life because I’m doing the right thing.  So, enjoy a nice PB & J spiritual sandwich, as you take on the challenges of the world today.  Now, go be a “giant-slayer.” 

Your friend in the Battle,

Keith Chancey

ImageRomans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (According to His ‘PB & J’ )

About kanakukchancey

My name is Keith Chancey and I am the President of the Kanakuk Institute, Director of Kanakuk K-Seven, Husband to Karen, and Daddy to Callie and Cameron! I am so blessed! View all posts by kanakukchancey

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